Healthy life choices and reflections on substance use during adolescence
Starting from [insert date] at 8:00 AM CET, recording available
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In Italian with English and Spanish subtitles
Recommended for fourth and fifth-year high school students
The importance of lifestyle during the crucial stage of adolescence for physical and mental development. Analysis of substance use and its consequences for growth and future life. Strategies and tips.
Sergio De Filippis, Professor of Addiction Psychiatry at the Sapienza University of Rome and Medical Director at Villa von Siebenthal
Chiara Nardone, Nutrition Biologist at the Fondazione Valter Longo
Viviana Dello Ioio Nutrition Biologist at the Fondazione Valter Longo
Students and Professor Valeria Gili from the Beccari Institute in Turin, Italy will share their experiences and prepare for us a “Longevity Recipe for Students” to cook and enjoy together with family and friends.
Antonella Tagliabue, journalist and moderator
We ask participants to complete the following questionnaires before and after the webinar. These can be used as lesson plans and discussion material for teachers in class.
Pre-webinar questionnaire: Click here
Post-webinar questionnaire: Click here
Our free, interactive, and practical webinars for schools and families.
To promote a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and personal, collective, and environmental sustainability, essential to protect us from diseases and to live better in the present and future, Fondazione Valter Longo has decided to take concrete action:
1) To make available to everyone the vast experience and scientific background of its nutritionists and its founder, Professor Valter Longo,
2) Also, through the invaluable collaboration of experts in the field of physical exercise, mental health, and environmental isssues,
3) Thanks to the participation and direct testimony of students, families, and teachers.
1) To offer practical and easily put in practice support to students, teachers, families and all school personnel regarding a balanced lifestyle, healthy eating, exercise and sustainability.
2) To encourage conversations and a constructive debate that directly involves schools, families, and experts in order to offer the tools to independently make balanced life choices and promote awareness and empowerment.
3) To create a “culture of Longevity” that includes important values such as health, an active lifestyle, the importance of community, family and friends, solidarity, and a proactive attitude towards life.
4) To help protect a fundamental human right, that of health, as indicated in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in line with many of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
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We kindly ask participants, in preparation for the webinar and after the webinar, to answer the following questionnaires.
Questionnaire Before the Webinar: Link here
Questionnaire After the Webinar: Link here
Questionnaire Before the Webinar: Link here
Questionnaire After the Webinar: Link here
Questionnaire Before the Webinar: Link here
Questionnaire After the Webinar: Link here
Webinar Preparation Questionnaire: Click here
Post webinar questionnaire: Click here
Webinar Preparation Questionnaire: Click here
Post webinar questionnaire: Click here